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Wendl Wows Em

Mao - The Most Terrifying Card Game Ever

September 25 2012 , Written by Mike Wendling

Every other Sunday night I volunteer with the Athens Catholic Teens Youth Group along with Bj Beach (@BjBeach) and John Bollinger (@JohnLBollinger). We usually hang out, discuss the readings for the week, eat pizza, plan events, and generally have a good time.

However, this past Sunday was different. I still have nightmares about last Sunday and what happened.

Last Sunday we played a card game called Mao.

Mao - The Most Terrifying Card Game Ever

Mao - Step One: Don't Speak

I won't try to explain the rules (because I still don't know them) but you are dealt 5 cards and told "This is the game of Mao. The only rule is you cannot speak. The game begins now".

My hand looks something like this:

Mao - The Most Terrifying Card Game Ever

Mao - Step Two: Understand Nothing

From there, I don't know what happened. I had kids screaming at me "All Hail the King" and telling me "Penalty: Delay of Game". The youth turned almost demonic in their evil hand signals, shifty glances, and strange cackles at my lack of understanding.

The next thing I know my hand looks like this:

Mao - The Most Terrifying Card Game Ever

Mao - Step Three: Humiliation

The end result was me with my head in my hands, weeping while the youth laughed and laughed. Kids can be mean, even when you are 10 years older than them.

Mao - The Most Terrifying Card Game Ever

Mao - A Warning

As I lay in the fetal position, I promised the kids I would not look up the rules to Mao. They wish to torture me week after week. I beginning to think these kids are pure evil.

Please, whatever you do, DON'T PLAY MAO!

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Mao is pretty exciting game and once it is started there is no end of this game beside it just has to go on. In the mean time I use to play this game with my friends but mostly on Sunday’s.
Games are important for the people that are connected and attached. It is fundamental and oriental for the modernity and latest endeavors. It is performed and applied for the fundamental tinge.
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